
Day 24-Something you've learned

Recently I've realized that sometimes we over-complicate our lives. We join too many committees, which leads to too many meetings. We create spreadsheets, lists, planners, etc. to keep ourselves organized, but those very tools take time and energy to create in the first place. We want to throw perfect parties and have an immaculately decorated home - which creates stress about all the details to bring everything together.

Just as one occasionally needs to declutter your home, office, car, etc., I have removed some nonessential activities that have only caused me stress. While I won't completely quit any of the things listed above, I have learned to only participate in things that are necessary or fun. When I'm in the heat of a stressful moment, I must stop and ask myself if something is necessary; if not, in the big picture, will it make me happy? This helps me keep perspective on life and prioritize what's important. My new motto is 'Simplify everything'. And I think it will be a life-long journey to live the simple life.

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